Natasha Paracha, 23 and a graduate from University of California at Berkeley was crowned the new Miss Pakistan World in the annual beauty pageant in Toronto replacing Mahleej Sarkari. Paracha outdid a bevy of Pakistani beauties in the pageant to win the crown.
She is presently living in New York and has founded the Pakistani Students Association at UC Berkley and a non-profit organization called “Vision of Development”, which works for the upliftment of women in the backward areas of Pakistan.
The South Asian Times asked her a few questions on her recently found success as Miss Pakistan World.
1. How do you feel after winning the contest?
I was really honored and excited to win the title of Miss PakistanWorld 2008. There were lot of different emotions going through myhead, but I was very happy that the hard work and dedication paidoff.
2. Where were you born and brought up?
I was born in Islamabad, Pakistan. Soon after, my parents decided to moveto Los Angeles for my fathers watch business. However, my parents givemuch importance to knowing our roots, so we divide our time betweenPakistan and the U.S.
3. What are your strengths that set you apart from other contestants?
I feel that in order to represent your country in a pageant thereare strengths that all contestants must possess -beauty,intelligence, poise, humbleness and grace. I feel that I, alongwith all the other contestants of this years Miss Pakistan Worldpageant possessed these qualities. However, I feel that my passionfor life and drive to excel is what shinned during the interviewportion.
4. What are the Challenges you faced while preparing for the pageant?
When I first set out to take part of this pageant, I wanted my platform tobe different. I wanted to promote South Asian designers, stylists,choreographers and interview coaches. It was a struggle at first when Iset out to find individuals from the South Asian community, but it waswell worth it. I feel that it if we work together as a community, we canstrive to achieve greater things.
5. How do you keep yourself fit?
I don't have much of a crazy workout routine or a strict diet. Ijust try to eat healthy and incorporate a variety of fitnessactivities in my everyday routine. Balance and moderation are keyto a healthy and happy lifestyle.
6. Who has been your role model or inspiration?
My mother has been my role model and inspiration to me. She hasbeen an amazing mother and friend. She has taught me theimportance of being a strong female leader in not only thecommunity, but also in college and through my work at the UnitedNations. She has pushed me to strive for higher goals and furthermy successes. My mom has taught me that life doesn't stop, as soonas you have climbed over one hurdle, you must continue to the next.
7. How much has participating in this pageant benefited you?
Participating in Miss Pakistan World has opened many doors for me. Thispageant has provided me with a platform to be an ambassador for mycountry and represent Pakistan at an international level. I am honoredand humbled with my new role.
8. Did you get along well with the other participants in the competition?
Before coming to the pageant, I did not know what to expect fromthe other participants in the competition. We all became so closein the first few days of coaching. It became more of a team thananything else and we all worked together rather than ascompetitors. I feel as though we became like sisters over thecourse of the training and competition.
9. What are your future plans after your victory? Do you plan to make the world a better place to live in, especially for women?
I hope to work hard this year and work towards economic developmentin Pakistan, the alleviation of poverty, foster educationalopportunities for youth and be an advocate for women's rights. Asan ambassador for my country, I hope to work with various charityorganizations, corporate sponsors, and the community to accomplishthese aspirations.
10. Any Advice for future contestants?
My advice to future contestants is to mentally prepare them. Have a platform set for yourself and know why you want to enter this pageant because after you win, you will be a representative for your nation.
Indeed a woman of substance, Paracha is a true beauty with brains.
By Nikki Rattan